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Not just a professional dumpster company, but also a responsible & community-minded organization that likes to give back to the local community…
To stay up to date with our latest events, you can follow our social media pages, bookmark this page for updates, or get notified by email.
Join us for a day filled with with fun and appreciation! 🙌 Our customer appreciation event is coming up on Saturday, December 9th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 🎈Enjoy a fun-filled afternoon with an open bar, delicious food, a bounce house, and much more. Plus, we have amazing giveaways, thanks to our incredible sponsors!
The Discount Dumpster team had an amazing time at Snow Fest, meeting all of you and spreading some positivity. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth and showed us some love. Let's continue to spread Christmas joy and good vibes together! ✨
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